Sciencing Science Soience of Life (c) SIG, the Foundation for advancement of  Integral Health Care

This series on sciencing describes how science is created.
So-called ‘Objective’ science is created by Subjective scientists.

The so-called ‘objective proofs’ are always based on subjective conditioning and sensations.
In fact, science - created by scientists - is not only based on subjective sensations, but also on the dynamics of social organisation.

The series cumulates in the formulation of the principle of shifting of the Paradigm.
It will be found to be tied in to legal constructs (such as jurisdiction) yet it is based on the principles of digestion and learning.

Starting point is the definition of the terrain: what is science, what is sciencing?
This also described how science originally originated - away from church rule.

The “artist-scientist” then invites insight into the functioning of the scientist-mystic.
This also asks to ascertain to which extent science has now become a prostitution racket...

Turning point in the understanding is the formulation of Scientific Consensus.
It will become clear that much of the development is science is based on territorial concepts.

This makes it possible to ask the question: “Is Science Scientific”; with a resolute NO as answer.
Science is not predictable, nor unbiased; it is also irresponsible and blatantly biased.

  • What is science?
    Science is what scientists make it ...
  • What produces science?
    Whatever has effect on the outcome of scientific consensus.
  • What determines the activities of science?
    The money that scientist need to live.
  • What assures the integrity of science?
    Nothing: all scientists need to do this, themselves.
[The Artist-Scientist]
[Science and ConScience]
[Conscience and con science]
[Opinion or Real]
[The Myth of Measure]
[The Myth of Science]
[(not) seeing is (dis)believing]


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