Tha art/act of magic is base on our use of the photon activation cascade.
- photon-leap <=> electron-leap <=> Electron-valence <=> electron-bonding
We experience/operate this as the Consciousness Activation Cascade:
- Pineal Gland <=> Hypophysis <=> Organ Glands <=> Body Cells.
This lead to the sequence of consequences of participation in creation:
- Creaction <=> Interaction <=> Reaction <=> Action
This is best understood by the principles of disease - healing
- Health <=> Adaptation <=> Compensation <=> DeCompensation
Magic involves the choice in change of our involvement: participation in creation. Magic is based on our ability to (re)define our system interface definition. Magic changes the openness/closure of our system boundary singularity logic. Magic is the experience and use of the universal principle of/for creation: i-god:
- i : Indentify, integrate, integrity, information integration
- G: Generate
- O: Operate
- D: Destroy
These principles also have traditional descriptors
- Paradise (optimising Freedom of Choice)
- Heaven (capacity for creating choice)
- Purgatory (erraric use of Choice)
- Hell (denial of dreedom of Choice)
Magic has different ‘names’ depending on the previous four qualifiers
- Creation: Life, Love, Consciousness, Health
- White magic: healing
- Grey magic for pay/reward
- Black magic: egotistic