Health as Phase Array Connecting the Part to the Whole Otto van Nieuwenhuijze
Draft text, to be completed upon request
ABSTRACT Phasics is more basic than Physics: beyond the scope of mathematics, MetaThematics regards the relationships of coherence of reality. In terms of Dynamics of Phase.
KEYWORDS Phase, Spin, Resonance, Array, Integration, Health
INTRODUCTION Spin, and the change in phase array, in connecting the part to the whole.
The following looks at science, as a basis for our understanding of Health. It integrates medicine, mathematics, physics and metaphysics. Because evidently, our body (made of matter) and mind (processing information) shares and integrates all of these disciplines/domains. It bases itself on the abstract rather than the concrete, corresponding with the findings of science that matter is fundamentally void (as the shift from Classical to Relativistic through Quantum to Field theory implies). It means that matter is a form of organisation, rather than a structure. Thus it is a manifestation of Information, rather than substance in itself. It means our reality of based on metaphysics, rather than physics. We need to start from an understanding of this, in order to come to come to an understanding of the material reality. Medicine too, then is to be based on metaphysics, rather than physics. With mathematics as the formulation of these most abstract aspects of physics, where “information science” is perhaps a better term to describe the role of the operations and manipulations of mathematics in our life. They express the way we perceive, and deal with, relationships in reality. And tend to cloak our realisation of reality itself. The “realisation of reality” is essential to what we perceive, and what science describes. Much of which is an artefact, based on the mental processes, conditioned by codes of cultural consensus. We must look beyond the boundaries of our definitions of reality, to ‘see’ how our realisation affects our experience of reality itself.
The following applies the concept of Health and Disease to the most fundamental and encompassing level imaginable: that of reality itself. This leads to a notion that the boundary of reality if comparable to that of cells: it has many different states, ranging between defined, fluctuating, permeable and undefined (or open). Each of which represents a phase, affected by the processes taking place in realty itself. Reality is thus regarded (and seen) as a processing process.
The notion of healing is encountered in a rather explicit sense: as the restoring of wholeness between events; due to which the relationships between processes are changed. And processes can become merged, or disjunct; die to which the processing in that space can be fundamentally changed. Not just locally, but also at much more encompassing scales. This can be made explicit by looking at the role of the Border of Light as an interface by which processes/events are linked. The nature and properties of the Barrier of light can thereby be considered in a new way: as planes of connection between isophasic events (Processes which are operating in the same phase; in the most general sense.)
The understanding of the properties of the Barrier of Light is made clear in terms of local events; and the way they can be perceived to be linked. The conventional representation for this (the De Sitter Light Cone) is compared to the traditional model of the atoms; showing conceptual similarities they share. Atoms and cells, bodies and realities as a whole are then expressible in quite similar terms. And their relationships understood in corresponding ways. By this, the knowledge of Atoms and Cells can be applied to heal bodies, and whole realities too.
At present it is not customary to speak of Realities; yet it is clear that Reality is not an object in a classical sense. It is not even a quantum relativistic event. Our best understanding of it is that of a unified field; of which we all share a perspective, making our realisations unique. Yet, they are still always shared. And our collective realisation of reality is but an aggregate reflection of that. Compare it to a body composed of cells.
The notion of realities, in a plural sense, is essential to allow for the realisation that realities change; and can be changed. As the concept Creation implies. Science has long omitted this aspect from its equations, because of the intense interactivity it implies, between reality and realisation. The result is a notion of reality, which we can best call Death. By reintroducing the notion of Realities, this Dead science can be brought back to life, by reinstating the role of Consciousness in the Realities we see. Making it possible to restore, repair, heal Realisations of Reality which do not work. And heal reality itself.
It involves an active interactive activity in living life; as we already (unconsciously) do. All that is needed is to realise the role of consciousness in our life. And the effect of the links between seemingly separate events. By realising that the separation is only seeming; and that in reality all events are always linked, be it in (sometimes) indirect ways. The indirectness is due to an orthogonalisation of phase. This means that in fact the link is very direct; we have just been (collectively) conditioned not to see this so.
For this reason the following addresses some aspects of orthogonalisation, and presents examples from ‘established science’ to show how this can be conceived. One of the examples used is that of the Atom (as a system of harmonic resonant vibrations). Another is that of the Light Cone, as generalised representation of an event. Interpreting the barrier of Light as the shared process by which events are linked. And ‘atoms’ and ‘objects’ likewise.
It paints the image of a reality composed of vibrations. in which matter is but a specific, stable, resonant pattern of reverberation of vibrations. Not just as local ‘strings’, but as webs of strings; tapestries of vibrations. The notion that matter is a consequence of vibrations makes more sense than the inverse; and gives the possibility to understand medicine as a form in mathematics. This can then again be applied in medicine, to show how diseases are patterns of disarray of the phases of vibrations of cells. Disease is then only a pattern of incoherence of the system dynamics, in which parts of the system operate at different processing speeds than parts in their environment. Due to which processing harmonics can emerge due to which the process sharing is lost, and diseases (and death) can take place.
Restoration of the dynamic processing integrity is simple, in principle. But it requires a model in which (seemingly separate) events can be conceived as linked. It is this notion which this text presents.
Meta-reality of materiality
models of science as models for healing closed systems as parts of open systems Open System Theories: The God Equation metaphysics as basis for physics; mathematics as basis for medicine
The (meta)physics of changes of reality
Reality as Realisation The body as dynamic interfacer Inner-phasing as principle of creation Creation as rearrangement of arrays of reality realisation
linking closed systems to the Open System
Closed System as artefacts: conditioned models Conditioning in cultural collective consensus Nature as basis for culture The pervasiveness of the Open System
atomic model changes for electrons <-> photons <-> gravitons
Changes of reference systems; particular <-> non-particular
The God Equation
Equating as Balancing Art Equating in 4D: Interfacing equations Equations as Forms of Consciousness Reality as Equating process
bringing consciousness into science
Local reference systems Linked Reference Systems Transforming between Reference Systems Grouped Reference Systems
multiple reference systems
Space, Time, Energy, Consciousness -model based Particle = Wave = Interference Pattern = Phase Array object = process = interaction = continuum physics = chemistry = electromagnetism = metaphysics
The Boundary of Light; as the link between shared events
The vertex point as Compression site in the Light Cone The compression site as conversion node in the light cone The conversion node as point of co-incidence The point, plane, line, volume of co-incidence (The God Equation 2)
Healing, as a means of making events shareable
The De Sitter Conic as model of phase attuning processes The criticality condition SuperCritical state: open system mode Single Waves becoming Group wave
the Light Cone as model for linking processes
4D Time Process Co-incidencing Con-fusing processes; merging phase transition nodes Embedding of single waves in Wave Arrays
Top view of the light cone: atoms as systems of vibrations
Changing array phases
Breaking through the Barrier of Light
Raising the Frequency Frequency Diffractal Cascades. Shapes of Phase coherence The Edge of Effect: the realisation of Zero Radius of response
Crashing into the Barrier of Light
Crashing with a still thudd: the misconception of Infinite Mass Incompatibility between Karma and Dharma Black Holes as planes, lines, points of singularity. incoherent incompatibilities in the border of light
(Light) Boundary Decay
blind spots and Black holes Losing sight of the Border of Light The invisible gates of Paradise Using Ladar (Light-radar) as means to detect the gates of Paradise
the misconception of the boundary of light as Black hole
the image of Hell Hell as closed system Hell as part of the open system Opening the gates of Hell
Health, Illness, Disease, Death
Attunement processes in Cells Cells as information Processors Life as information processing Energy Loss and gain in Spirit
Time Anomalies
Diseases as anomalies in Time Time anomalies as harmonics The function of Time Spectra Healing warped time spectres
Time Reverberations
Processes as Local Events Processes as Linked Events Atoms as model for local Processes The De Sitter conic as model for process sharing
Healing Reality/Realisations
Pathology as miscomputation of process convergence Health as stable attunement of the local and group process Healing as sharing as reference Healing as restoration of the Boundary of light
Attuning realisation and Reality
Life as Expression Life as Expectation Life as Exchange Life as experience